
Tuesday 3 December 2019


Friday 30 August 2019

the climb

One  cold and freezing morning. me and my friend decided about a week ago but we would climb the biggest mountain Mount Everest we packed yesterday and therefore that cause  we new that it would take a long time to climb Mount Everest so we got out of tramping bags that how do I stuff and I'll food we got on the van we packed everything in that looks massive but it was really heavy and some parts with very light and so we drove about 24 hours so felt like the 5 days  to get to where we wanted to and then we finally arrived and all of us was so excited and so we got our bags out of the car we put them on our backs and took some of the heavy stuff that was really really heavy up we started climbing and it sounded get really cold really easily so we went back down and we chat so it all the Warmest gear possible which made our bags lighter and so we climbed N Climb and Kinda got half way we dug a little hole we put up a little like shelter tent and we stuck it into the mountains and we slept in there for the light and so we took that down put it back and keep climbing and climbing that took another day and then  another day went past and time with fast because we were having so much fun and a the sun went down one day it went really fast and we'll like what happened and so we had to set up camp it was like the middle of the night by him and so we only got about half to an hour of sleep and that made me mad because when you sleep for only a little while you get really angry when you're awake couldn't get enough sleep and so we carried on that took about 2 more days and one day we just had to keep walking through the night we were almost there we were almost at the top and then all of a sudden avalanche came and so we quickly ran down halfway down the hill and it just started and so we bilt a hole and it's no fun the avalanche it covered us and it took about 45 hours  but it felt like days had gone past and so we finally got ourselves out and it turns out that we were at least 25 m away from each other it was so far away that we dug them so close so weird actually slept halfway down the mountain because of the avalanche Leo and pushed us out of our holes and we slid down the mountain and then ended up and another place completely different from where we were in Soviet keep climbing and keep climbing only seeing that there were other people climb the mountain so we went over to go see her and it wasn't people it wasn't human it wasn't dead and it didn't look friendly and so we turned around look back up the other side of the hill and we got to the top and we were so happy but it turns out we will wait for my schedule it took us longer than we expected it was only supposed to take us about 30 to 40 days but it took 60 days long time because of the  avalanche more days and walking down mountain and it turns out that about 3 days before I come around to the side of mountains and it's still there but it had it's back turned and then I heard a noise and it's heard around and it's stated us and we just chill and we like what are we going to do weather Di mai tai chi Heads hospital and it was a bag and it was a person behined it and it turned Around And looks at us and he was only wearing like one leg pants and thermals and his shirt and he was freezing so we gave him some of our stuff we also gave them some more misu am I love the chucked a blanket over we set up a team he said side the gas cooker up and we cook a nice medium rare steak why are you doing why I was horrible And don't say that is probably fine it just your parents or friends didn't like you but you can come down the mountain with us and you'll be sick will take you to a hospital he was like no I never knew anybody else and he said thank you for this food i have toGo now bye and we work no wait wait until we're done come on you have to come down the mountain with us and he said no I want to die nobody loves me and so we see we love you both your friends when you like really would you actually you and did she have two days we wouldn't you can I come live with me I have a two-person apartment but I'm living in it And he said wait until wife and I said she died as a young age so I live by myself now and he was like did you have any Kids and And he said no I'm having kids we were planning on it will plan and getting a game stink married but she died in a life win on the hospital And after that he got a good home and he came with me and he lived a life happily-ever-after together in the same house it was fun and then we carried on our lives but jobs without City and yeah that was IT. 

TO BE CONTUNED!!!!!!!! How many words? 974

Tuesday 20 August 2019


we have been learnt gitar and keybord in music
we have been learing new things in music
I am looking forward to learning smell cat and percoshon insterments
and basce, drums, bongos, and woodwid insterments
on gitar we have learnt A chord, D chord and  E major chord and on kebord
I have learnt A, D, and E
and we have bean learning drums and smelly cat that was changed to recsue cat

Friday 16 August 2019

ZOO's should be banned because......

I think zoo should be banned because they keep animals incloshed and away from the public. The people that work there they keep the animals away from their natural habitats and away from their families that have been with them the whole journey.  And evan thoe they are family they split their families apart and put them into different incloshes so if you had a mum and a child they would put mum and the bigger cage and they would put the baby in a enclosed area where the public cannot see them.

 I think zoos  should be banned because they don't treat them like normal pets they ckuck  food in their cages they don't have proper places for them to sleep. Then just don't respect them as much  as people do when they are in the wild because the wild is their natural habertat. At some zoos you can touch them that's why  some zoos you can have a place to touch them but not big animals like even if I haven't baby tiger you can't pet them or a baby lion cont pet them it's only lot of be like a lizard that you can pet them. It's annoying because you want to touch diffarent  animals and it is pretty cool to see different animals from all over the world but it's sad that you can't pat them and get up close with them and you carn’t be best’s friend’s with them ether. 

I think zoos should be banned because when they're out of the wild you bring them in from the while you capture them in traps that can possibly kill them. I think them in cages away from family members like i said in the first paragraph if you have a mum and you have a baby they will pu the pearents  with other animals of their type so if it was a panda don't put it in the panda cage with all the other pandas and it was a baby panna they keep it in close and I'll take care about themselves as it hasn't been the mother do with the mother and parenting work. I think it is sad because when they grow up the perents do not remember there kids because they are all growen up.

Wednesday 14 August 2019

Nya spends a lot of time observing “The Boss.”
What does she observe about him and why do you
think this works as a leadership style within the village?
The boss keeps pushing everybody to keep working over
night and day

When Salva begins his journey to Kenya, he meets up
with other boys, eventually become their de facto leader.
Compare and contrast his leadership style to that of “The
salva makes them walk at night because the rebles are
asleep and they hide in the day so they don't get found
and don't get shot

Why do you think that Michael helped Salva? Why is it
important to Salva that he learn as much as he can from
because michael thought that salva is intalagent boy and
salva wants to learn as much as posabill because michael
is going to leave the camp

Who are “The Lost Boys?” How would you feel about
going to a new country and family, if you were given the
the lost boys are the ones that lost there familys when the
rebles came and killed them

Friday 9 August 2019



The beach the beach fun. Because it's a place where everybody can have fun.
The beach is were little kids and adults can go for a swim together. The beach i
fun because people from all over otaki can come and  have fun with the children at
the beach. At the beach you can also bring a dog instead of like being at the pool
where you can't bring your dog. The beach is also fun because you get to go to the
beach with your friends and you can go look for muscles and find shells that have
not bean opened.

 I think the beach is fun because I take my dog down there and we have fun
together and play. She jumps in the waves like a lunatic.  It's funny to see but it's
also very werid. We have races up and down the beach and who can get to the
water the fastest. Sometimes my dog win's and sometimes I win. Then after that
we got her a puppy life jackets cos when I was little I would have a life jacket too
and we'd  both be out there floating when a wave came in it would take me with it.
My mum would hold our lifejacket so we can stay close to her so we don't get into
a rip or anything like that.

The beach is fun because you can ride your horse Up and down the beach and
have races with your friends if they have horses to. You can also race your friends
up and down beach. You can pick up sticks and shells that you've never seen
before or you have like them because they are  pretty cool. You can take them
home and make cool pictures. You can also take home sand to make your picture
complete. For Mother's Day you can give her a present that you have made and
didn't from the shop and she will love it.

Wednesday 7 August 2019

Salva has a half a gourd of water and wants to share it
with the others, but Uncle says no.  He later asks if he
were older and stronger, would he share? What do you
think he would do?
I think that Salva would share his water with little kids because he is older and would be more responsible and he is kind.

Why do you think that Uncle wants to go back and fight in the War and leave Salva on his own?
So he can get back the villeges so that everybody can get there homes back so people can live happlly ever after

Why does the group’s attitude towards Salva change?  What do you think Salva will do to change their minds?
The group's attitude towards salva changes because uncle leves and there is no one to protect him because uncle had a gun and was a leader

What event within the camp makes Salva realize that his
family is gone and what memory helps him to survive in
the camp?
The memory that reminds him that his family is gone is the memory that uncle said that there was not many people that survived because there village was radded.